Electronics made of wood and paper – Article in the Horizon – The EU Research and Innovation Magazine (Article link)
’Wood, the material of the present and future – Benefits and Challenges’ – Article in Solvenian ESG Magazine (Article link)
Akshat Sudheshwar, Kealie Vogel, Gustav Nyström, Nadia Malinverno, Monica Arnaudo, Carlos Enrique Gomez Camacho, Didier Beloin-Staint-Pierre, Roland Hischier and Claudia Som, Unraveling the climate neutrality of wood derivatives and biopolymers, RSC, Sustain., 2024, 2, 1487-1497. (Article link) (Supporting Information)
Giorgio Tofani, Edita Jasiukaitytė-Grojzdek, Miha Grilc and Blaž Likozar, Organosolv biorefinery: resource-based process optimisation, pilot technology scale-up and economics, Green Chemistry, 2024, 26, 186-201 (Article link)
Davide Benedetto Tiz, Filipa A. Vicente, Ana Kroflic and Blaz Likozar, Ligin-Based Covalent Adaptable Network Polymers – When Bio-based Thermosets Meet Recyclable by Design, ACS Sustainable Chem and Eng, 2023, 11, 38, 13836-13867 (Article link)
Posters at Conferences
The following posters were presented at LOPEC 2024 in Munich, Germany.